#4: My Unapologetic Therapy and Support Circle Participation Guide

My Unapologetic Therapy and Support Circle Participation Guide is a supplementary resource for individuals or groups participating in healing spaces that provides an introductory-level understanding of how these sessions can be activated as tools for personal and communal growth - particularly for individuals experiencing marginalization. For use in group settings, progress through the zine page-by-page, allowing time for individual reflection followed by group share-back for each section. You can download, print, and fold this zine below: 

#3: MY UNAPOLOGETIC Accessible Protest Pack

My Unapologetic Accessible Protest Pack is a check list designed to help organizers encourage accessibility in protest spaces. If one of the goals of your protest is to attain maximal reach for your cause, but you aren’t taking steps to make your action accessible, your lack of inclusivity will be a detriment to your own goal! You can download and print this poster below: 

[Image description: A looping gif with title “my unapologetic… Accessible Protest Pack” at the top featuring a series of moving drawings with captions and checklist items.

Top left: A wheel rolling in place. “Can everyone get here?” Checklist item: “choose barrier-free spaces that are easy to travel to and navigate”

Top right: A bench and a blinking exit sign. “Can everyone take a break or escape?” Checklist item: “secure nearby rest and refuge spaces that accommodate bodily and sensory needs”

Middle left: A hermit crab shell with butterfly flapping wings on top. “Can everyone feel safe here?” Checklist item: “maximally minimize potential for harm and protect those most likely to be targeted by police and other powers”

Middle right: A lit flickering candle. “Can everyone breathe?” Checklist item: “use fragrance-free candles and designate no candle zones at vigils”

Bottom left: An upside down question mark, a hand making thumbs up and thumbs down motions, and a no symbol. “Can everyone understand?” Checklist item: “provide signage, digit handouts, and offer interpreting, translating, sign language, live captioning, and guidance services”

Bottom right: A crowd with different members being highlighted. “Can everyone participate? Checklist item: “involve people typically disabled by society from day one of organizing”]

#2: MY UNAPOLOGETIC interpersonal conflict GUIDE

My Unapologetic Interpersonal Conflict Guide is a tool for the individual cognitive possessing of a specific occasion of conflict.  It is based on four dimensions of post-conflict justice: accountability, healing, restoration, and transformation. You can download, print, and fold this zine below: 

#1: My Unapologetic Emotional Awareness Guide

My Unapologetic Emotional Awareness Guide is a tool for working through moments of overwhelming emotion. It is the first of a series of zines meant to inspire increased attention to our community's diverse healing needs. You can download, print, and fold this zine below:


The Pocket Healing Zines are made free and accessible thanks to a strong community of supporters who supplement the cost of printing, production, and delivery. 

Note: The Pocket Healing Zines are protected by copyright © 2021, Bria M. Royal. The Pocket Healing Zines are a community resource and may be photocopied and distributed EXCLUSIVELY for educational purposes only. The resale and commercial usage of the Pocket Healing Zines is prohibited. For permission requests or questions regarding the use of the Pocket Healing Zines, contact info@briaroyal.com